New Georgian language textbook for English speakers

Book presentations in Georgia are not so frequent and especially if we are talking about
practical or educational books. But the creation of the practical book I am going to review
below was really necessary. Foreign diplomats, NGO folks, or just regular people who want
to live and work in Georgia often experience an obligation or wish to study the native
language. This book, which tries to present an easy method for English-speakers to learn
Georgian through use of a professionally created language guide and modern linguistic
methods, structure and style, is exactly for these kinds of people.
On March 26, 2008 the Courtyard Marriott hosted a presentation of the new book.
“Georgian language for English speakers” which was published by the organization
“Language School” and is the second book in a series called “Biliki”. The list of invited
guests included diplomats, ambassadors, all the foreign students of this organization, First
Lady Sandra Roelofs, the Minister of Education, Rectors of Universities, linguists and
everyone else who is interested in studying Georgian as a foreign language.
Special introductory speeches were made by Nana Shavtvaladze, director of the language
school and students of the same school who have had a pleasant experience studying
The book is divided into 16 parts and 4 texts. It includes keys, schemes, a short grammar,
a dictionary and a CD. The book was published with the support of the US Embassy. The
first level of the book “Georgian language for English speakers” was also presented
together with the second addition. The book is meant to be helpful for those foreigners who
are beginners in Georgian language. It is constructed in a way that is supposed to help
people who have had zero contact and experience with Georgian language. The method of
teaching is quite modern. It contains four steps and every level has a handbook, workbook,
reading material and CD with dialogues.
The organization “Language School” has had a contract with the US Embassy and USAID
since 2005 and they still have a successful collaboration. At present, besides these
institutes, Language School cooperates with several other organizations including the
British Embassy, the United Nations, NDA, EUTO and others. A book for first level students
was published in 2006. The author of the series is the director of the organization,
Professor Nana Shavtvaladze. The books can be found in almost all Tbilisi bookshops
including Parnas, Santa-Esperansa, Book House and at the hotels Courtyard Marriott and
the Sheraton Metekhi Palace.
Ana Tsimintia 28.03.2008