We wholeheartedly thank the US Embassy for giving a chance to “Language School” to send teacher to FSI training course in Frankfurt, Germany. “Language School” coworker Ms. Nino Tskhvitava was

We`re proud of announcing that our coworker, Ms. Ekaterine Takaishvili-Farlow was awarded Commander`s Award for Excellence. We congratulate her on this memorable event!

Dear friends, we`d love to introduce our student, Kate Butterworth from Illinois University. She covered B2 level in Georgian language. We are proud of her and wish her all the best. We`ll miss her as

"Language School" director, professor Nana Shavtvaladze was invite to the Farewell Diner held by the Embassy of France. This event was represented by different leaders, among which were our students.

We`d love to introduce you to our student and her handwriting. She did a short intensive course with enthusiasm and eagerness. We`re proud of such hardworking students.