The director of the "Language School", professor Nana Shavtvaladze, was invited to the party to celebrate the official birthday of Her Majesty The Queen, on Tuesday,12th of June.The spouse of the amba

"Language School" is happy to announce that we finished another successful course at the MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Students, who were participants of this course will be given the certificate

On the occasion of Europe Day 2018 the Mabassador of the European Union, Janos Herman and Mrs Zsuzsanna Herman requested the pleasure of the company of professor Nana Shavtvaladze, the director of the

The Ambassador of Great Britain, student of the "Language School" director, professor Nana Shavtvaladze, congratulates on the Mother Language Day.British Embassy TbilisiApril 14 at 7:04 pm ·Perh

The "Language School" director, professor Nana Shavtvaladze, was invited to the IWA GBM meeting at Tbilisi Marriott.She held a presentation and as an ending she invited IWA members to the "Language Sc