Educational space "Semita" invites foreign students to individual and group lessons within the course "Georgian as a foreign language". With the help of a specially developed program and book, studen

საგანმანათლებლო სივრცე „სემიტას“ დამფუძნებელი, პროფესორი ნანა შავთვალაძ

There are at least 18 dialects in Georgian language. These dialects still retain their unique features in morphology, syntax, vocabulary and phonology and are similar to one another. In addition,

Educational space "Semita" hosts foreigners to learn Georgian language through the course "Georgian as a foreign language" Students will be able to master a desired level of Georgian language through

Educational space "Semita" hosts foreigners to learn Georgian language through the course "Georgian as a foreign language". Students will be able to master a desired level of Georgian language throug