Professor Nana Shvavtvaladze's student, Mr. S. Brian Hood is back in Tbilisi. He gave a talk on Pavlov and Beritashvili concepts on behavior at Ivane Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine.

Our foreign students had outdoor lessons. They went to a cafe, an ice cream shop and a flower shop, where they independently purchased flowers, got engaged in conversations with the staff and introdu

საგანმანათლებლო სივრცე ,,სემიტაში" კურსი ,,4ვ- ვიკითხოთ, ვიფიქროთ, ვიმსჯელოთ

Educational space "Semita" hosts foreigners to learn Georgian language through the course "Georgian as a foreign language" Students will be able to master a desired level of Georgian language throug

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